10, avenue des Mimosas - 83530 Agay - France

Article – Le Bien Public – supplement Côte-d’Oriens in the spotlight – January 22, 2006.

Highlighting Côte d'Orians: Notable Individuals from Côte d'Or

He speaks quickly, and it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with him. Ideas burst forth, bold and tangible. The young Olivier Isselin, 31 years old, already has many adventures to his name, especially in event organization in Paris, focusing on electronic music. But it’s in Dijon, with his mother, that he began taking over the Gaston-Gérard gallery before opening a space of his own on Auguste-Comte Street. For its inauguration last March, Olivier managed to bring John Batho, the famous photographer living in the city, who presented stunning works on condensation. Recently, it was Vincent Verdeguer with a moving series on Spain. One thinks, here it is, a gallery that is finding its place. Undoubtedly. But Olivier is not done making us run…

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